I’ve been reading "The meaning in the making" by Sean Tucker. In discussing Logos, he asks “do we want to elicit a favourable response from others by playing to the crowd, or do we want to speak the Truth as we see it with the things we make"
I've been thinking about that and how it relates to my relationship with Instagram. The process of creating and the posting to instagram and hoping for likes is crushing any sense of Truth in my practice. The pursuit of Likes is an end unto itself and each time I post there, I find I hate photography just a little more.
But then how do you get feedback? How can you grow as an artist?
I think its the relationship between the art and the viewer that has been damaged by instagram. The conversation reduced to impressions and likes. A race to the bottom, No meaning just content.
I want to get back to making, communicating the Truth as I experience it. To creating rather than producing.
So I'm going to focus more on publishing here, on my blog. I've no idea if you'll see it, I've no idea if you'll like it. Maybe when we talk you'll tell me. Or perhaps give me the gift l most want; constructive feedback.
To start with, a photo of my beautiful wife Maura. who gives me more love and support than I could ask for, And probably more than I deserve.